Japanese-language school in Osaka
Osaka International Language Institute
9:00 - 18:00 Mon-Fri

About scholarship

External scholarship

1. Scholarship of the Ministry of Science, Ministry of Culture in Japan:
The school will recommend its outstanding performers to the Ministry of Arts and Sciences. Those who are recognized as outstanding performers by the province will receive a scholarship of 360,000 yen per year.
2. 共立 International Exchange Award Scholarship:
The school will recommend to the 共立 International Exchange Awards consortium the outstanding performers of our college. Those who are recognized by the consortium as outstanding performers can receive a scholarship of 60,000 yen per month (for one year).
3. LSH Asia Scholarship: The school will recommend its outstanding performers to the LSH Asia Scholarship. Those who are recognized as outstanding performers by LSH Asia Scholarship will be awarded a scholarship of 100,000 yen.

Scholarship of our college

特A Scholarship

Scholarship for student who studies hard and well attended.

★For student who fulfill the conditions below and finish paying tuition for next year

Terms of studying at the time of second year
Tuition fee
Amount of payment
Actual amount of payment
1 year
9 months
6 months
3 months

【Conditions】All the conditions need to be fulfilled.
1. Attendance of first year (12 months) is 100%.
2. First term and Final term exam grades are must be “Excellent”.
3. Finish payment all tuition fees till deadline.

※Scholarship will provide end of next month of payment deadline.

A.Award for perfect attendance

When students graduate on March, their rate of attendance until February from enter school must be 100%.

2 year ¥20,000
1 year and 9 months ¥16,000
1 year and 6 months ¥13,000
1 year and 3 months ¥10,000

※Award on Graduation ceremony in March.

Award for hard work

When students graduate on March, their rate of attendance until February from enter school must be 100%.

1 year ¥8,000
9 months ¥6,000
6 months ¥4,000
3 months ¥2,000

※Award on Graduation ceremony in March.

B. Award for perfect attendance

The rate of attendance for Half term (6 months) is 100%…QUO card \1,000
※First half is April to September, and last half is October to March. The rate will be calculated end of September and end of March.
※ Half term of graduate year is excluded.
※Award in end of October and end of April

<Scholarship for excellence of exam result in Japan while they are students>


Scholarship for great JLPT or EJU result student … ¥50,000
【Conditions】All the conditions need to be fulfilled.
1.Student who passed JLPT N1 score over 170.
2.Student who scored over 340 on EJU Japanese subject (except writing).


Scholarship for great JLPT or EJU result student … ¥40,000
【Conditions】All the conditions need to be fulfilled.
1.Student who passed JLPT N1 score over 160.
2.Student who scored over 320 on EJU Japanese subject (except writing).


Scholarship for great JLPT or EJU result student … ¥30,000
【Conditions】All the conditions need to be fulfilled.
1.Student who passed JLPT N1 score over 150.
2.Student who scored over 300 on EJU Japanese subject (except writing).


Scholarship for great JLPT or EJU result student … ¥20,000
【Conditions】 Conditions 1 or 2 need to be fulfilled.
1.Student who passed JLPT N1 score over 150.
2.Student who scored over 300 on EJU Japanese subject (except writing).


Scholarship for great JLPT or EJU result student … ¥15,000
【Conditions】Conditions 1, 2, or 3 need to be fulfilled.
1.Student who passed JLPT N1 score over 130.
2.Students who passed JLPT N2 score over 160.
3.Student who scored over 260 on EJU Japanese subject (except writing).


Scholarship for great JLPT result student … ¥10,000
Student who passed JLPT N1.


Scholarship for great JLPT result student … ¥6,000
Student who passed JLPT N2

※Not awarding duplicated.
※Award on graduation ceremony in March.